Friday, September 13, 2024

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Monday, February 5, 2024

Settling The Facts: A Deeper Look At Israeli Settlements DOCUMENTARY

If you've ever looked at the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, one of the words that comes up sooner or later is "settlements". In this groundbreaking documentary, Roger Walters (not Waters!) takes a deeper dive into this subject and asks three questions: Who are the settlers? Are they breaking international law? Are settlements an obstacle to peace? 

The film speaks to people from all sides - Israeli and Palestinian, legal experts, historians, and activists for and against. The findings may well surprise you. 

 This film won the Los Angeles Feedback Film Festival Award for Best Documentary Feature Film.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

WATCH: Israeli, Christian, and an IDF officer. This is Hadeel's story!

Meet Haddeel, an Israeli Christian from northern Israel who is proud to serve in the IDF.

Friday, December 1, 2023

WATCH: Askar - UNRWA: Cradle of Killers

Review of "Askar UNRWA: Cradle of Terror" by Rabbi Leo Dee:

Viewing "Askar UNRWA: Cradle of Terror", the latest short documentary produced by David Bedein and his staff of Jewish and Arab journalists, we see the results of "indiscriminate support" for the Palestinian Authority and UNRWA.

By providing unconditional funding for UNRWA and the Palestinian Authority, rather than support for peaceful Palestinian Arabs whom they abuse, the world funds terror.

This movie shows how UNRWA and the PA educate the next generation of Arab children to hate and murder Jews.

If Israelis and the international community do not wake up to this reality, there will never be peace.

By supporting peaceful Palestinian Arabs to assert control of PLO terrorist organizations, and hate filled UNRWA camps, both Palestinian Arabs and Israeli Jews will stand a chance at a better life together.


Tuesday, November 28, 2023

WATCH: "Open-Air Prison"? Gaza Before the War

This was Gaza before Hamas declared war on Israel on October 7th. This is what pro-Hamas activists in the West describe as ״open air prison״ or "concentration camp". Gaza was neither of those. 

The "siege" that Israel and Egypt imposed on Gaza was designed to prevent the smuggling of weapons into Gaza. Everything else was given free pass, even hundreds tons of cement entered Gaza just to be exploited by Hamas to build its terror tunnels, instead of schools, hospitals or residential buildings. 

The claims that Gaza was a concentration camp is intended to justify the Islamic terrorism of Hamas against innocent Jews. 

Ask yourself: if the people of Gaza were really so poor, why did Hamas waste so many resources on its huge rocket arsenal and terror tunnels? How could they have an army of 40,000 terrorists (members of Hamas)? 

Israel left Gaza in 2005. There was no reason for the Palestinians in Gaza to attack Israel after 2005. Unfortunately, Israel was mistaken in thinking that the Palestinians in Gaza wanted peace. Hamas did not come to power in Gaza by accident. The Palestinians knew very well that that Hamas would not bring economic prosperity or free welfare. They knew that the Hamas wants war as its charter calls for the destruction of Israel and the genocide of Jews. This is why they voted for Hamas and still the majority of the Palestinian public supports Hamas.